Here's a picture of me that Scott, KA9FOX, took on our way down to the Dayton
Hamvention, May 2001. We are somewhere over Chicago.

This is the club plane I enjoy flying the most. It is a 2000 Cessna Skyhawk SP
with the optional 180HP engine.

This is the cockpit. It has a great compliment of instruments, including
IFR-approved moving-map GPS and autopilot.

This is a view of downtown Chicago from over Lake Michigan.

Here's a great view of Meigs Field (CGX) and Soldier Field (where the Chicago
Bears play). Meigs field was demolished in the middle of the night by Mayor Daley, on 30-Mar-03.
To learn more about this tragedy, or if you wish to help,
please visit The
Friends Of Meigs. |
| Contest Scores | DX Stats
| Station Description | Antennas
Fishing | Flying |
Ham Radio | Harley
| Mustang | Scuba |