It's interesting to see how the station has changed through the years. On thing remains the's always messy!
You can also check out my antennas.
Here is my station in 2018:

This is how I have my current station layout. It is mostly built for SO2R operation.
Starting from the lower-left, and going clockwise:
- Ameritron AL-1500 Amplifier
- 32" LCD Television (for slow times)(notice how this has grown over the years)
- 2nd tower rotator box (Tailtwister, upgraded recently from Ham M)
- Homebrew automatic SO2R controller (two homebrew band decoders drive
a two-of-ten homebrew SO2R antenna switch and two Dunestar model 600
bandpass filters)
- Receive antenna switches: Beverage switch (two, two-wire switchable 300' beverages) and K9AY array
- Main computer (i7, Windows 7) running Writelog and 4 LCD displays (24", 24", 22",
- Hidden to left of K3 is two rotor controllers for Alfaspid Big RAK (top of main tower) and RAK (side-mount)
- Two Elecraft K3's
- Homebrew stack selector (Both, upper, lower)
- Elecraft P3, KPA500 and KAT500
- Ameritron AL-1500 amplifier
Here is my station in 2008:

This is how I have my station layout. It is mostly built for SO2R operation.
Starting from the lower-left, and going clockwise:
- Ameritron AL-1500 Amplifier
- Telephone (for answering TVI complaints)
- Elecraft K3 (new in 7/2008)
- Homebrew automatic SO2R controller (two homebrew band decoders drive
a two-of-ten homebrew SO2R antenna switch and two Dunestar model 600
bandpass filters)(temporarily on top of K3)
- Television (for slow times)
- Main computer running Writelog and 3 LCD displays (19", 22",
- 2nd tower rotator box on top of computer case(Ham M)
- Two Alfa Spid rotator controllers (barely visible to left of FT-1000)
- Yaesu FT-1000
- Homebrew stack selector (Both, upper, lower)(behind coffee cup)
- Ameritron AL-1500 amplifier
Here was my station previous to around 2006:

This is how I have my station layout. It is mostly built for SO2R operation.
Starting from the lower-left, and going clockwise:
- Swan MkII amplifier (pair of 3-500Zs) (Now replaced with a Ameritron AL-1500)
- Television (for slow times)
- Yaesu FT-920 (HF+6M) (secondary station) (Now replaced with a borrowed FT-990)
- Telephone (for answering TVI complaints)
- Main computer running Writelog
- Homebrew automatic SO2R controller (two homebrew band decoders drive a two-of-ten homebrew
SO2R antenna switch and two Dunestar model 600 bandpass filters)
- 2nd tower rotator box (Ham M)
- Yaesu FT-1000 (main station)
- Main tower rotators (upper for top KT-34XA and 2el 40, lower for lower KT-34XA and 6M)
- Homebrew stack selector (Both, upper, lower)
- Ameritron AL-1500 amplifier
| Contest Scores | DX Stats
| Station Description | Antennas
Fishing | Flying |
Ham Radio | Harley
| Mustang | Scuba |